Hey all.
This month has been in a word, a whirlwind. As the whirlwind settles down, the documenting process of our lives picks up.
Student teaching ends on Monday. What an experience! The daily drive to and from Spanish Fork has been the worst part. I'm sick of filling the car up every week! But there sure have been some good times in Mr. Stahle's and Mrs. Troyer's classroom. And there are some names I can never name my child now.
My TA job also ends this week. I really enjoy helping out with the EMT certification. It is so nice to teach BYU college students after coming from a class of 40 sophomores. I look forward to helping with it next year.
The MA job is.... coming. I'd be lying if I said it was butterflies and roses all day. It's not. Being the new girl is the worst thing ever. This position makes me feel bad for ever being mean or expecting too much from the new people I trained. Sorry to any of my past co-workers who are reading this (Rachel). At the clinic, right now I'm pretty much stuck in Medical Records. The clinic is going EMR (electronic medical record) so I've been scanning charts and I will continue to do that for the next month most likely. Need to pay my dues. Bottom of the totem pole thing.
I'm actually looking forward to just having work. It will be nice to make some money and not have to count the seconds until I have to be at the next checkpoint. I like being able to focus on one thing, and not feel like I'm spreading myself thin.
Wes has been stellar throughout this past semester. He has his own load of school and work to carry, but he also has been making dinners and doing dishes for the past few months. He also helps with the RS Activities and drives me all over Provo. I'm looking forward to taking care of him for a change.
So it seems like I've triumphed over my own March Madness. I graduate in April. I have a full-time job lined up. In addition, my bracket is winning in the family pool! Bragging rights!
Slow Start
1 week ago