Jun 25, 2010

our battle with gluten

Wes has celiac disease.

Tangent: Pronounced without the "s" sound on the end of celiac. I meet so many people who when after hearing my husband has celiac disease, respond with,

"Oh! I had a roommate who had an uncle with celiax disease!"

"Oh really. I've never heard about celiax, please tell, is it similar to celiac disease, cause that is what my husband has."

Back on track: This means when Wes eats wheat (gluten) it slices off all the celia lining his small intestine making absorption of nutrients quite difficult.

You can see here what normal celia look like.

And here is a celiac patient.

Most people react with nasty stomach problems. Wes gets a terribly itchy rash on his elbows and knees, dermatitis herpetiformis. And for his entire mission he blamed it on some "weird Mexico disease" but it got worse when he returned home.

Finally he was diagnosed a few months before we got married. When we found out, my mom jokingly (I think) asked me if I still wanted to marry him.

Getting married usually entails the girl learning a few more cooking skills. This is difficult enough. Now we throw on gluten-free everything... and well... it gets more difficult.

Have you ever thought of everything that has wheat in it? We're not just talking bread (8 bucks a loaf for gluten free at the store), it seems like EVERYTHING has gluten in it.

For example:

Salad dressings
Any sauce or gravy
Pizza crust
Cereals (hardest one!)
Pie crusts, cake, muffins, bagels
Chicken nuggets

and recently discovered... this brand of toothpaste!

We're trying though. We eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, wrap lots of meat in lettuce and experiment with bread recipes. Wes is gaining weight and I am learning.

Story: The Elder's Quorum Presidency came to visit and brought 2 dozen chocolate chip cookies. Obviously we didn't have the heart to tell them right then and there, that Wes couldn't eat them. Sooo, yeah. I ate all of them. After that episode I told Wes we needed to get the word out, otherwise I was going to double in weight.

Celiac disease runs in my family too, so our children are pretty much doomed.

Jun 18, 2010

preparing for half dome

Wes and I are so excited (scared) to be tackling THIS... in August!

I give you Half Dome in Yosemite National Park.

Tough hike. We watched the little video the National Park puts out for interested hikers, and a think we peed our pants a little bit. Shot after shot of people getting carried out on stretchers got us thinking. Clearly, there is work to be done. Wes and I have been making major efforts to get ready. An attempt at tennis last night failed, but tomorrow we tackle Timp starting at 6am.

This isn't the only thing we're looking forward to. Courtesy of Kirk and Jennie, we'll be spending a week here!

Jun 8, 2010

let's give it another month

One month. Woot!

Its been good so far, I told Wes I'd give it another month.

We are pretty well settled in here in good ol' Wymount. Just keep living the BYU dream. Wes continues to humor me with reorganizing the kitchen and hanging items from our cinder block walls. We love our place. Well. I especially do.

Spring semester is slowing winding down. I'm pretty sure I'm passing all my classes, and when you are on the home stretch, that's all that matters. Wes starts up in Summer with Music 101, Bowling (with me, aka Marriage Therapy) and a CS (computer science) class. I'll be taking Beginning Golf (that's RIGHT Weiler girls) and Chronic Disease and Prevention. We just love writing those tuition checks. Had a sort of negative experience up to this point with FASFA (mostly my fault, I will admit) so we'll wait to see what happens there.

Wes got a calling as the "Ward Janitor" aka "Temporal and Spiritual Needs Welfare Chair something er other..." Basically he locks up the building every night and flushes toilets. It seems we have been officially accepted into the ward. We are speaking next week.

We're looking forward to vacations with family, wedding pictures and being poor. Psh, who wants to deal with all those decisions about where money should go? When you have no money, its super easy!

I kind of hate these vague "update" posts. I'll try and pick something a little more specific for next time.

But I am a Burningham!
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