Jul 6, 2011

a guilty blogger

Lately I have noticed several bloggers close up shop and exit the blogging world. I'll admit, I've been tempted to do the same. It seems like there are too few minutes in the day, and I don't like doing half-hearted posts when I know I should be working on other things. I feel guilty for blogging and guilty for not blogging.

But tonight I'll be a dedicated blogger so let me fill you in.

Work has been getting progressively better and better. I am doing more and more with the patients, assisting on procedures, injections, etc. I'm training for the new doctor coming in the fall. As far as I can tell, I'll be her full time MA which will be fantastic. I find women's health fascinating and from the beginning would never have imagined ending up at a clinic like this. I have dabbled with the idea of paramedic school a couple of times, however the timing just doesn't seem practical. I'll be taking the written cert exam for my EMT-IA during the summer. That will be a huge thing to check off my mental list.

Wes and I woke up for the 6:00am 4th of July hot air balloon launch. It was amazing! Why are hot air balloons so cool?! Maybe I should bag the paramedic thing and go for a hot air balloon pilot's license. Temptations, temptations.

Well, until the next major holiday!

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