May 23, 2011

growing green & giving shots

A few months ago Wes read an Ensign article talking about growing your own food/being self-reliant/blessings of hard work etc. He took it to heart. Last time I checked gardening wasn't a commandment, but still we decided to give it a go.

We spent an FHE filling and placing seeds in these planter boxes. We started with bush peas and were so upset when we hadn't see any of them sprout after about 2 weeks. We were sure we had killed them, as I usually do with my plants. But now look at them!

We've also added a green pepper, basil, carrots, squash and tomatoes. Talk about efficiently using space eh?

With this rain, the planter boxes have been just soaked all the time. We have to haul them up the stairs for protection from the rain and then back down to get some sunlight. Its annoying especially when they are so heavy and sopping wet. That last sentence made me think this garden is parenting practice.

My EMT IA (Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate Advanced) class is going great. I don't like giving up my entire Tuesday & Thursday night but the class is moving quickly. I've been bleeding a lot. After mastering shots and blood draws, we moving on to IVs. I've got swiss cheese arms. I think I have small veins or something, because people miss all the time and I'm bruised! Wes has these gorgeous garden hose veins and he won't let me anywhere near them. Not even one little poke Wes?

May 1, 2011

i'm all graduated

Boy does it feel good to be done. For those of you out there who think the madness is forever, I say to you I feel your pain, but the end does come.

Did I love my major? Heck yes.
Am I so glad my diploma has BYU stamped on it? You know it.
Would I encourage Caroline to come to BYU? YES.
Is Samuelson my home boy? Not quite.
Is that another Cougar First Down? You betcha.
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