Only had to yell that one time last night when Wes' ball disappeared over some trees and landed who knows where. Wes and I have been golfing twice, and both times we have really enjoyed it! {surprisingly}
Last night we played scramble style, and it was pretty great. Basically we played Wes' drives and my putts. I lost 2 balls after slicing it into the woods, and I think Wes only lost one.
The evening was nice and cool. It sprinkled a few times, and I loved it. Speaking of sprinkle, as we teed up on the 8th hole all of a sudden the sprinklers came on the farway. We just stood there. Uh... what do we do? At first we thought we could play through it, but quickly realized that was a stupid idea. So we walked back to the club house and politely asked about the situation.
The old water man was a little defensive, but for once I seriously tried to be nice and understand. We aren't serious enough golfers to throw a fit, unlike the group in front of us. It paid off. We got a free round of golf. Granted it is at Cascade Golf Center {not exactly world class course} but true to my Weiler roots, not much better than getting something free. Well, free golf is better.
And for randomness sake, here is a pic from Wes' mission.