Apr 6, 2010

time to get excited

Things are finally starting to come together.

30 days to go.

Its time to get excited.

Wonderful photos courtesy of Michelle Kemp @ Rusty Bucket Photography


DC Diva said...

GREAT photos! I want one in the mail soon. ;) These things make my day.

The Brames said...

Yay! I love them! I saw some on your blog. You guys are so cute!

Katie said...

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! I love these pictures!!!

Stefanie Smith said...

sexy legs there randall!

Jessica said...

I'm excited!

Joanna said...

So Excited for you!!

Katie said...

p.s. yeah we are in the same place. do you need a place to live?? a couple in our ward is moving may 1st and they are trying to sell their contract. let me know if you want more info.

becky bunnell said...

This is my attempt at begging your forgiveness for missing your bridal shower. Seriously Ra I was so excited to see you. I'm so sorry I had rugby and we are headed to Florida to compete for nationals so I wasn't able to miss Saturday. I hope it was a wonderful shower. Can I still be invited to the wedding?

Katie said...

can you email me: kjclover09{at}aol{dot}com
for my parentals address??

Joanna said...

I'm still holdin down the fort in Stadium Terrace 17. Send me the invite there. I'd love to have one.

In case you forgot, it's
1960 N. Canyon Rd. #17
Provo, Utah 84604

lauren said...

i just got the invite- it's beautiful. good job :)

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